Friday, October 16, 2009

Factions of command and conquer

Global Defense Initiative

GDI's faction symbol

The Global Defense Initiative's internal structure and organization is quite similar to a supranational and large-scale integration of all of the world's major modern day conventional armies into a single globalized military force[10]. GDI is capable of instantly deploying vast quantities of well-trained and well-equipped soldiers backed by powerful ground, air and naval assets to any point on the globe, and this in ways that are considerably more organized, advanced, as well as on a much greater scale than any conventional real-life military force of today possibly could[10]. Global Defense Initiative troops utilize both superior armor and firepower, making them typically much more powerful than Nod forces in direct open confrontations, but also more cumbersome and less flexible. The Brotherhood is notoriously adept at exploiting these weaknesses through its combination of futuristic guerrilla warfare with uniquely advanced Tiberium-based technologies[11]. By the year 2047 GDI's forces have been restructured to allow for decentralized operations in multiple theatres of war, through the establishment of forward-operating bases in all types of terrain[10], and the deployment of proven, specialized and cost-effective ground and air forces supported by the most advanced network of orbital artillery satellites in history. In-game, their units are unit-for-unit more powerful than those of Nod and the Scrin. Their superweapon is the quintessential ion cannon, an orbital weapon that has appeared in every Tiberium title to date; previously capable of destroying only a single building at a time, the ion cannon can now devastate a large area, through 8 small ion beams forming up into the center and ionising the air before the larger, more destructive main blast[12].

Brotherhood of Nod

Nod's faction symbol

The Brotherhood of Nod is a mysterious and highly militant Abrahamic society of allegedly ancient origins[13], which in modern times began showing the combined characteristics of a vast religious movement, a multinational corporation and a decentralized nation-state, while being none of the three in itself[13]. The globalized brotherhood is led by a mysterious man who is known only as Kane[14], and its influence in the world at the advent of the events in which Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars takes place reached nothing short of the status of an unconventional superpower[13]. The Brotherhood of Nod represents a flexible, elusive and worldwide cultic army which thrives on the sophisticated synergy between low-tech guerrilla warfare and highly-trained forces that are equipped with state-of-the-art communications gear and the most advanced weapon systems available, which have been derived from the Brotherhood's uniquely adept understanding of Tiberium-based military technologies[13]. Nod tactics are highly radical and appear more cruel than GDI's, often showing little to no regard for human life, and their religious fascination with Tiberium also leads them to use the dangerous and toxic substance offensively whenever possible. Nod forces typically are weaker than GDI's or the Scrin in a head-on engagement, yet their use of stealth and advanced hit-and-run tactics to their advantage to control the pacing of the battle, as well as sabotage an opponent's momentum. Like in the original C&C game, their in-game superweapon is a nuclear missile[14], which replaces the cluster and chemical missiles deployed during Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun.


The Scrin's faction symbol

The third faction featured in Tiberium Wars is an extraterrestrial force known only as the Scrin, who have come to harvest all of the Earth's Tiberium deposits[15]. They aren't referred to by name, though a reference of the name exist in GDI intelligence files: "...the translator returned four words: brother, ascended, enemy and Scrin. This casts some confusion over the identity of the invaders, whether they are the Scrin themselves or a distant relative..."; they are only called by GDI as "invaders" and "Aliens" and by Nod as "Visitors". They have remained dormant along the edge of our Solar System for millennia, until awakened by the massive detonation of liquid Tiberium beneath the Brotherhood of Nod's "Temple Prime"; it is revealed that GDI knew about their existence from the Tacitus, an alien databank captured from Kane at the end of Tiberian Sun; this resulted in the upgraded Ion Cannons, that can fire on incoming space-born targets with a single, concentrated beam. Upon approaching Earth, they are surprised to encounter a heavily militarized native population (according to the Scrin campaign introduction movie, "Level IV population on 50% of planetary surface" and "Level V population on 20% of planetary surface") still coping with Tiberium's spread, and swiftly proceed to launch an assault on Earth's cities, wreaking havoc on GDI and Nod alike. This is done mainly for intimidation purposes because the real objective of the Scrin is to construct large "Tower" structures all across the planet. Scrin units and structures show a distinctly bio-mechanical and insect-like appearance, and possess several economic and military advantages related directly to Tiberium[15], including the ability to promote the growth of the substance, store it in infinite amounts, and to use it to enhance the performance of their units and weaponry in a multitude of ways. Scrin forces possess a powerful aerial fleet[15], capable of constructing fast "Stormrider" fighters, hovering "Devastator" warships and the versatile "Planetary Assault Carriers", which are capable of generating localized ion storms. The faction also features the ability to create wormholes and to instantly teleport units around the battlefield through various means. The Scrin are additionally able to deploy a large aerial unit known as the "Mothership", which features a massively powerful Catalyst Cannon that can devastate all structures in a large radius beneath it by initiating a chain reaction upon them. However, the "Mothership" is extremely slow and open to attack. Their in-game superweapon is the "rift generator", which creates a rip in space-time in the targeted area, drawing everything near to it into deep space[16]. According to GDI intelligence on the Rift Generator, "it makes the science behind our Ion Cannons look downright primitive" and "its destruction potential is on par with GDI Ion Cannons and Nod nuclear missiles."

Juggernaut Mk.III

Weaponry Triple 200mm cannons
Armor Medium
Type Artillery/Heavy Support Walker
Faction GDI
Cost 2200
Build Time 0:22
Production Site War Factory
Faction/Country GDI

By the time of the Third Tiberium War, a new Juggernaut variant, known as the Juggernaut Mk.III, refered to as "UPC"s or "M3", was in service. Based on a Titan Mk. II chassis, perhaps the most significant upgrade, was the inclusion of a turret, equipped with an improved 200mm cannon armament. The unit replaces the Behemoth and this new addition gave the Juggernaut greatly improved flexibility in engaging targets, as it no longer needed to redeploy each time a target's position shifts even slightly, although a slow traversing speed limited the usefulness of this new ability. The crew cockpit was moved into a separate pod which resides on the left of the turret. State-of-the art fire control and tracking systems and an improved, integrated battlefield networking communications package allow GDI sniper teams to relay ballistic data to the mech's crew, allowing it to provide long range indirect fire support, an ability closely mirrored by the newly introduced Nod Specter. The Juggernaut's important role in the GDI forces as a powerful artillery piece remains unchanged even with the introduction of Nod's Beam cannon and the Specter.

The M3 is still required to deploy secondary stabilizers before it can fire due to the huge recoil of its triple barrel armament, although it can complete this process much faster than the MK.I, providing the Juggernaut with improved flexibility. Another problem was that the M3 would quickly and suddenly catch fire.

Juggernauts are still intended for indirect fire support and are not expected to be on the front lines, making its relative fragility a flaw irrelevant to its combat efficiency, amplified by the ability to navigate all terrain. Occasionaly they can be seen scratching behind their pilot's module with one foot. In some cases, they were (humorously) seen pecking the ground with their cannons. [1]

If the Juggernaut Mk. III is crippled and falls, an engineer can return it to a working state. The problems with standing up have been resolved by strengthening the construction of the cannons and allowing the walker to use them as quasi-hands to get up.

Like the GDI Mammoth 27 and Titan, Nod Purifier and Avatar and the Scrin Annihilator Tripod and Reaper Tripod, Juggernauts can crush light vehicles by simply walking onto them.

When they reach elite status they receive;

  • Auto-Full Heal
  • Better Accuracy
  • More Powerful Shots
  • Increased Range
  • Faster Walking Speed

The Mammoth Armed Reclamation Vehicle (MARV)


Ultra-heavy tank/Tiberium-processor hybrid

  • Sonic cannon (3)
  • 4 infantry squads


Build time


Produced by

Reclamator hub

The Mammoth Armed Reclamation Vehicle (MARV) is an ultra-heavy tank/Tiberium-processor hybrid designed by GDI Zone Operations Command (ZOCOM) during the Third Tiberium War. The Mammoth 27-based design was used to support ZOCOM's Tiberium-abatement operations in red zones which were traditionally vulnerable to Nod and separatist mutant attacks.

The MARV had integrated Tiberium harvesting and processing facilities. While this removed the need for a traditional Tiberium refinery it was not as efficient in converting the collected Tiberium into resources.

Tactically the vehicle in the same superior class as the Nod Redeemer and the Scrin Eradicator Hexapod. The cannon fired sonic shells effective against clusters of ground targets. Bunkers atop the treads allowed infantry squads to ride and fire.





(is that true?)


Segala puji bagi ALLAH yang menguasai alam semesta dalam genggaman-NYA. Qursy-NYA meliputi langit dan bumi, maka hanya DIA-lah yang patut disembah, Tuhan Yang Maha Suci lagi Maha Agung. Semoga salam dan selawat senantiasa dicurahkan kepada Muhammad Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wassalam, sang pemimpin umat Islam dan pembela dihari akhir.

ALLAH berfirman dalam dalam Surah ke-25 Al Furqaan ayat 61:

Maha Suci Allah yang menjadikan di langit gugusan-gugusan bintang dan Dia menjadikan juga padanya matahari dan bulan yang bercahaya. [25. Al Furqaan: 61]


Telah menciptakan jutaan atau bahkan milyaran atau bahkan lebih banyak bintang dalam langit ciptaan-NYA. Kumpulan bintang-bintang kemudian kita sebut dengan nama “galaksi (galaxy)”. Terdapat banyak galaksi yang hanya ALLAH saja yang tahu jumlahnya. Salah satunya adalah galaksi dimana bumi kita berada di dalamnya. Pusat dari galaksi kita adalah matahari. Dengan kuasa ALLAH diciptakan-NYA benda-benda langit dan planet berputar mengelilingi matahari. Kumpulan planet yang bergerak mengelilingi matahari, kemudian kita sebut dengan nama “tata surya (solar system)”. Begitu pula dengan galaxy lain yang memiliki pusatnya sendiri. Putaran planet terhadap pusat galaxy kemudian kita kenal dengan nama “orbital atau orbit”. Atas kehendak ALLAH jua, diciptakanlah galaksi-galaksi itu berputar dalam jangka waktu dan kecepatan serta arah yang dikehendaki ALLAH.


Jika kita rajin mendengar keterangan-keterangan dari web NASA, mereka pernah mengatakan bahwa sudah banyak planet yang berbalik arah putar, jika pada planet bumi kita ini matahari masih terbit dari arah timur, maka beberapa tahun ini terdapat fenomena baru yang menurut mereka planet lain sudah mulai berbalik arah dan matahari terbit dari arah barat. Dari sisi ilmiah, inilah pertanda akhir zaman mendekati kiamat, sebagaimana petunjuk dari Rasullullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam. Adalah kemudian menurut para ilmuwan dari sekian banyak planet yang berbalik arah putar, mereka menemukan adanya planet dari galaxy lain yang bergerak memasuki orbit dalam solar system kita.Planet baru ini kemudian diberi nama PLANET X (NIBIRU).


Planet X ini tertarik (ditarik) oleh gaya grafitasi matahari yang besar dalam tata surya kita, sehingga kemudian ia masuk ke dalam orbit planet-planet dalam keadaan berbalik arah, dan suatu masa nanti planet X akan bertabrakan dengan bumi. Ilmuwan menyebut 50 tahun lagi planet X (Nibiru) ini akan memasuki orbit tata surya kita, sejak ia ditemukan tahun 2003 lalu. Berarti kiamat boleh terjadi pada 2053? ALLAH-lah pemilik-NYA. Manusia hanya diberi mata, otak dan akal untuk melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala.


Lintasan Planet Nibiru (Planet X/Planet kesepuluh) ke dalam tata surya merupakan bukti ketidakterhinggaan semesta yang berperan mendatangkan kiamat di bumi. Gempa-gempa bumi terkuat dalam sejarah manusia modern akan terjadi di seluruh dunia. Setelah inti bumi berhenti bergerak untuk sejajar dengan medan magnet Planet X, kekuatan jangkauan gempa bisa lebih besar dari 9 skala Richter, meskipun akan dirasakan berbeda di berbagai tempat di dunia, tergantung pada konfigurasi batu di bawahnya. Gunung es di kutub Antartika membelah dan mencair, menimbulkan gelombang pasang yang dahsyat, membawa hanyut apa saja yang disapunya. Gelombang tsunami menjadi monster abad ini.


Bencana dahsyat bumi itu diperkirakan karena Planet X melintasi tata surya. Planet X pada masa ini memang sedang melewati orbit bumi. Planet X itu adalah planet humongous (tak terkira besarnya) yang memiliki massa seratus kali lipat lebih besar daripada bumi. Inti magnetisnya sedemikian dahsyat kekuatannya sehingga bertabrakan dengan medan-medan magnet planet lain dalam tata surya.




Gangguan elektromagnetis atas planet-planet lainnya itulah yang mendasari para ahli perbintangan modern melacak eksistensi Planet X. Adalah perubahan itu memang dapat dianggap disebabkan oleh melintasnya Planet X. Apapun dugaannya, yang pasti, dari penelitian terakhir barulah dapat diketahui bahwa Planet X itu benar-benar terdeteksi sebagai penyebab perubahan maha dahsyat di bumi secara positif. Bagaimana mungkin planet yang sedemikian jauhnya dapat memicu perubahan cuaca dan efek-efek bumi lainnya yang terkait?


Matahari yang mengatur medan magnet bumi terhalang oleh lintasan Planet X. Gerakan Planet X yang memasuki tata surya telah menyebabkan inti bumi memanas akibat adanya tambahan gerakan berputar di dalamnya. Saat inti bumi terpengaruh menyelaraskan dirinya dengan ekuilibrium yang ada dalam tata surya, inti bumi yang memanas itulah yang membawa pada pola-pola cuaca yang tak dapat diperkirakan dan meningkatkan aktifitas gunung-gunung berapi serta seismik.


Inti bumi yang memanas mengakibatkan peningkatan bertahap pada aktifitas seismik dan gunung berapi. Gempa-gempa pun sering terjadi. Daerah pegunungan terancam bahaya lahar. Panas dari inti bumi juga dikeluarkan melalui selimut bumi dan pada akhirnya mencapai lapisan bumi di mana dasar laut pun ikut menghangat. Laut-laut yang menghangat akan membuat perubahan pada arus-arus laut, curah hujan dan pola-pola meteorologis lainnya.


Mungkin beginilah nanti terjadinya kiamat, dimana ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala telah berfirman banyak dalam Al Quran yang menjelaskan bagaimana dahsyatnya kiamat, manusia ibarat kapas beterbangan, gunung-gunung akan terbang, seluruh planet akan bertabrakan. SUBHANALLAH, Maha Suci ALLAH dengan segala kebenaran firman-NYA. Disampaikan-NYA lewat insan mulia Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam agar manusia yang melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran-NYA kemudian menyembah kepada-NYA. Hanya manusia-manusia munafik yang tidak melihat-NYA.


ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala sudah menjawab mengenai perkara besar ini dlm surah Al Waqiah 1– 6:

  1. 1.Apabila terjadi hari kiamat,
  2. 2.tidak seorangpun dapat berdusta tentang kejadiannya.
  3. 3.(Kejadian itu) merendahkan (satu golongan) dan meninggikan (golongan yang lain),
  4. 4.apabila bumi digoncangkan sedahsyat-dahsyatnya,
  5. 5.dan gunung-gunung dihancur luluhkan seluluh-luluhnya,
  6. 6.maka jadilah ia debu yang beterbangan


Jika benar tabrakan ini yang mengawali kiamat, maka itu ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala jua lah yang menghendakinya.

Dan jika warta berita menurut ilmuwan itu salah, maka hendaklah kita ambil sebagai renungan dan iktibar serta muhasabah kita kepada ALLAH, sebagaimana telah banyak ayat-ayat-NYA dalam Al Quran yang mengatakan hal seperti itu. Kita diminta oleh Rasullullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam untuk membaca, memelihara dan menyebarkan Al Quran. Perkara kiamat adalah mutlak milik ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala saja yang tahu, bukan urusan kita. Yang penting bagi kita adalah menyiapkan bekal untuk menghadap ALLAH. Sudah banyakkan amal ibadah kita kepada-NYA?